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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Desktop framework

We all know there are lots and lots of web frameworks out there like GoogleAppEngine, Django, RubyOnRails, CodeIgniter to name a few. They all help web developers to create web applications and/or web services in a shorter period of time (versus doing it the old fashioned way of coding every functionality). The very essence of either MVC (Model View Controller) or MVT (Model View Templates) is to separate the work and codes, thus making any web application reusable to other purposes other than what it's was originally intented to do.

For me, the best thing that this approach has is the "model" part. Why? Cause it simplified the database connectivity, and the business logic doesn't have to worry about SQL statements when retrieving and saving data.

Okay, enough of the web framework appraisal. If I am being paid for every instance I praise the MVC approach I'd probably be a millionaire by now.

So let's get to what I want to blog about --- desktop frameworks.

As far as I know (after Googling and asking peers), there is no similar framework in the desktop world. I could be wrong though, maybe there is but maybe that solution is not so hyped about unlike it's web counterparts.

Imagine if we have the same tool on the desktop world! We would only define a model for a certain application, a view layer (or Windows form if in MSWindows) , have a controller layer to facilitate between the view and model and that's it.

If you know any desktop framework, I'd really appreciate if you share it with us. Thanks!

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